





In fact, most Chinese people are not atheists. It is meaningless to evaluate Eastern religious beliefs under the western concept system.


Most Chinese people do not believe in God in Christianity or Allah in Islam, but they will kneel down and pray in front of any Buddha statue in any temple, and even pray in front of the graves of their parents and grandparents.


The former may be regarded as a quasi Buddhist or a potential follower of Buddhism, while the latter goes beyond the definition of religion in the West - you believe that your late family members can use supernatural forces to protect you somewhere there, which is similar to the gods in religion.


This is ridiculous. I mean, if your late father was an uneducated poor farmer who had absolutely no remarkable achievements in his life, how could he become an all powerful God immediately after his death? But this represents their spiritual sustenance.


Generally speaking, in China, staunch atheists regard this as superstition. But you can't even persuade your parents to give up this idea.


This is just a glimpse of its complex beliefs. The religious concept of the Chinese people may be much more complicated than you think. As others have mentioned, this has a lot to do with ancient Chinese history and philosophy.


I would like to talk about the origin of China, the myth of origin in the eyes of Chinese ancestors.


Pangu (Pangu) is considered to be the first person and the creator of the world. He is a giant from chaos, in which heaven and earth are nothing or a mixture of all things. He divided the chaos into two, thus dividing the world. At that time, the sky was about to collapse, so Pangu tried to support it. In doing so, he exhausted all his strength. Then he died. Then his eyes turned to the sun and the moon. His breath is the wind. His blood, his water. His blood vessels, rivers. His skin is muscle and soil. His edge, the mountains. His bones and teeth are minerals. His hair, forest. The world was thus born.

盘古(盘古) 被认为是第一个人和世界的创造者。他是一个来自混沌的巨人,在混沌中,天地是虚无或万物的混合体。他把混乱一分为二,从而把天地分开。当时天要塌了,所以盘古试着支撑它。他这样做了,耗尽了他所有的力气。之后他死了。然后他的眼睛转向太阳和月亮。他的呼吸,风。他的血,水。他的血管,河流。他的皮肤肌肉土壤。他的边缘,山脉。他的骨头牙齿矿物质。他的头发,森林。世界就这样诞生了。

Nuwa is the mother of mankind. She created humans from clay and protected them. One day, Gonggong and zhurong, the God of water and the God of fire were fighting. In this battle, heaven was broken. Man was bombarded by fire falling from a hole in the air. Nu Wa found a way to solve the problem. She melted five different colored stones (representing five elements: water, fire, earth, metal and wood), and repaired the cave with solidified lava. That's why you can see the colorful sky. In some versions, she used herself to repair the last crack and then died. After the sky recovered, man survived.


Compared with Abraham's creation, in Chinese mythology, the creator of mankind and the world is not omnipotent, but a hero. You can say that they are stronger human beings. God must also fight against the disasters around him. They may die. The creator died for his creation, as did the mother of mankind. In short, God died for their creation. After that, humans had no God to rely on, and they had to fight for themselves, just as their creators did for them.


The story of Yan Huang traces the blood of the Chinese people back more than 4000 years. The Chinese people believe in ancestors, which is the basis for China's unity and nation building. Since the Xia, Shang and Zhou dynasties, 5000 years ago, people have known that their ancestors are all Yanhuang and that they are all descendants of one ancestor. The belief in ancestors has enabled the Chinese people to maintain their national and origin characteristics no matter how many generations they have. This is also the main reason for their 5000 year tradition.


Almost every Chinese child knows these stories. Perhaps this is one of the reasons why many Chinese do not believe in the Almighty God.




Chinese people are not atheists. In fact, Chinese traditional culture is idealistic.


Chinese people have different views on myths from westerners, and their religious beliefs are more free. In fact, China has always been polytheistic and pantheistic. But the Chinese don't care what religion other people believe in. They just don't care and think it's none of their business.


The Chinese belief is not a symbolic God. The ancient Chinese said that "there is a God three feet above their heads", which means that there is a God three feet high on their heads (you can understand that the "God" here is not the God in Christianity). They believe that God is everywhere.

中国人的信仰不是一个象征性的神。古代中国人说举头三尺有神明”, 这意味着在他们头上有一个三英尺高的神(你可以理解这里的“神”不是基督教中的神),他们相信神无处不在。

In China, everyone has his own God. For example, many Chinese people have statues of the God of wealth and the kitchen god at home. Many people wear the necklace of Guanyin Bodhisattva or Maitreya, believing that these things will protect them and their families.


But for the Chinese, the most important "gods" are their ancestors. They have passed away, but their souls will guard them from heaven and protect them. Therefore, they always remind themselves of what they can and cannot do, because the souls of their ancestors have been watching them. When Chinese people do wrong, they usually say they feel ashamed because they have failed their ancestors. They believe that in everything they do, they are responsible for their children and grandchildren.


Therefore, there is an old saying in China, "people are doing, and the sky is watching." Everyone has different definitions of the meaning of "God". The Chinese believe that the God who guards them from heaven is called "God", but "God" is only a symbol, and in the minds of most Chinese people, it does not mean any specific God of any religion.


Generally speaking, most Chinese believe in karma. As the Chinese people say, "good will be rewarded for good, and evil will be rewarded for evil", which means that "when you do good, you will be rewarded in the future, and when you do bad, you will be punished in the future". So most Chinese people have a strong sense of morality. Maybe part of the reason why China is one of the safest countries in the world is that they believe that no matter what they are doing, God is watching them. Sometimes they don't even know who he is. Maybe it is the Buddha, maybe the Jade Emperor, or Mazu. In the eyes of the Chinese people, the original intention of heaven is to call on people to be kind and do good deeds.

一般来说,大多数中国人相信因果报应。正如中国人所说“善有善报,恶有恶报”, 这意味着当你做好事时,你以后会得到奖励,当你做坏事时,你之后会受到惩罚。所以大多数中国人都有很强的道德感,也许中国是世界上最安全的国家之一的部分原因是他们相信,无论他们在做什么,上天都在看着他们,有时他们甚至不知道他是谁,也许是佛陀,也许是玉皇大帝,或者妈祖等其他人。在中国人眼里,上天的初衷是号召人们善良,做好事。



Good question! Generally speaking, the belief system of the Chinese people is not a religion in the Western sense. Let's take a look at some things that look like religion in China:


Buddhism - the closest religion to China. Imported from India. It had a great influence on Chinese culture, but later its influence gradually declined, and it changed to the Chinese style Guanyin God to worship and pray.


Confucianism - not religion. It is the social order philosophy of Chinese behavior and relations. No one really worships them, but they must obey their parents and authority.


Taoism - philosophically profound, but with a small number of believers, it is impossible to establish a structured religion.


Family - family - this is the true god worshipped by Chinese people. Not a divine God, but a spiritually powerful entity, they must respond. Everything starts and ends around the family. Confucian filial piety is the key component, and the parent-child relationship is sacred. "24 stories of filial piety: 24 examples of filial piety" is a classic collection of fables, which still teaches children how to respect their parents. This is an extension of traditional Chinese ancestor worship.


So Chinese people go to school mainly to improve their family life. They find jobs and start businesses to support their parents and extended families. Then, they have children to support their parents and take care of their old age. And thus the cycle repeats. This is a Chinese religion.


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