外刊阅读:Inflation still hitting Americans hard, new survey finds

Inflation still hitting Americans hard, new survey finds

By Lindsay Kornick Fox News

Published January 14, 2024 7:00pm EST

Inflation still looms large over many Americans’ heads as they head to the grocery store.

A recent Axios Vibes survey found that 59% of respondents felt "angry, anxious or resigned" while shopping for groceries with anger being the most common emotion. Seventy-two percent of respondents also said that groceries are where they feel the most effects of inflation.

Though inflation has largely fallen from record highs in 2022, prices are still significantly higher than they were before 2020. Based on data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, Americans must spend approximately $125.51 for groceries that would have previously cost $100 in December 2019.

外刊阅读:Inflation still hitting Americans hard, new survey finds

A majority of Americans reported having negative feelings while shopping for groceries.

In December 2023, inflation, in fact, rose .3% to 3.4% compared to the same time in the previous month. Though it is still significantly below its peak, this is still well above the Federal Reserve’s ideal 2% target.

Fox Business calculations found that since the start of 2021, food prices have gone up 33.7%, shelter costs went up 18.7% and energy prices increased by 32.8%. Moody’s Analytics also reported that Americans spent $211 more a month compared to the same time last year.

Overall, Americans are now paying on average $1,020 more each month compared with the same time two years ago.

外刊阅读:Inflation still hitting Americans hard, new survey finds

Inflation rose .3% to 3.4% in December.

In a Fox News national survey in November, 68% of voters reported feeling unhappy with how things are going in the country with 78% saying that the economy is in bad shape since President Biden took office. The number included 61% of Democrats.

Only 14% said they were helped economically during the Biden administration.

Biden has frequently touted "Bidenomics" and touted the recent December numbers as a sign of economic improvement,

"If you notice, they're feeling much better about how the economy is doing," Biden said. "What we haven’t done is letting them know exactly who got it changed. ... Everybody's doing better and they believe it. They know it. And it's just beginning to sink in."

外刊阅读:Inflation still hitting Americans hard, new survey finds

Biden visited several small businesses to tout his Bidenomics economic plan.

Inflation still hitting Americans hard, new survey finds


Inflation still looms large over many Americans’ heads as they head to the grocery store.


A recent Axios Vibes survey found that 59% of respondents felt "angry, anxious or resigned" while shopping for groceries with anger being the most common emotion. Seventy-two percent of respondents also said that groceries are where they feel the most effects of inflation.

Axios Vibes最近的一项调查发现,59%的受访者在杂货店购物时感到“愤怒、焦虑或万念俱灰”,其中愤怒最常见。72%的受访者还表示,食品杂货店是他们感受到通货膨胀影响最大的地方。

Though inflation has largely fallen from record highs in 2022, prices are still significantly higher than they were before 2020. Based on data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, Americans must spend approximately $125.51 for groceries that would have previously cost $100 in December 2019.


In December 2023, inflation, in fact, rose .3% to 3.4% compared to the same time in the previous month. Though it is still significantly below its peak, this is still well above the Federal Reserve’s ideal 2% target.


Fox Business calculations found that since the start of 2021, food prices have gone up 33.7%, shelter costs went up 18.7% and energy prices increased by 32.8%. Moody’s Analytics also reported that Americans spent $211 more a month compared to the same time last year.

Fox Business计算发现,自2021年初以来,食品价格上涨了33.7%,住房成本上涨了18.7%,能源价格上涨了32.8%。Moody’s Analytics也报告称,美国人每月的支出与去年同期相比增加了211美元。

Overall, Americans are now paying on average $1,020 more each month compared with the same time two years ago.


In a Fox News national survey in November, 68% of voters reported feeling unhappy with how things are going in the country with 78% saying that the economy is in bad shape since President Biden took office. The number included 61% of Democrats.


Only 14% said they were helped economically during the Biden administration.


Biden has frequently touted "Bidenomics" and touted the recent December numbers as a sign of economic improvement,


"If you notice, they're feeling much better about how the economy is doing," Biden said. "What we haven’t done is letting them know exactly who got it changed. ... Everybody's doing better and they believe it. They know it. And it's just beginning to sink in."


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